Sunday, January 8, 2012

Blog Assignment #1 Deconstructing Characters

Protagonist: Jon "Squanto" Nannder

Red and Gold
Gold symbolizes wealth and power both of which Jon is very familiar as a successful hip-hop artist. Red is the color of passion and in Jon's case could represent his passion for music and changing the world with his talent. It could also serve as a symbol of sacrifice and violence that his people both Native American and African American had to go through in history. Both gold and red are also colors that you would find in autumn as the leaves on the trees change color. Autumn is typically associated with bountiful harvest like that first found on the first Thanksgiving when the pilgrims and the Wampanoag tribe feasted on the crop that they had gathered.

Camera Flash
Quick, bright flashes on Jon shows us that he has a high level of popularity and significance in his world. The source of the light could be from a variety of sources such as devoted fans, magazine photographers, or paparazzi. These could be used as a tool to show the glamour of stardom and that Jon is forever underneath the magnifying glass of the entire world. All eyes in his world are on him and the audience can feel the responsibility that he holds as a man of power. In a way, the flash of a camera bulb brings to light all areas of "darkness" in ones life.

Stone-like Shape
Jon is very statue-like is appearance like that of his Native American ancestors. Inspiration came from the old anti-littering television advisement with the crying Native American in full dress. Jon's face is solid, still, and full of wisdom like the crying man in the commercial. It shows that he takes his fame and career as a musician seriously. It could also symbolize that he has built himself on a moral foundation that is equal in strength to stone and that he will let nothing shatter his beliefs. It is resistant to all elements and is not easily broken. 

Antagonist:  Traci Williams

Traci is obsessed with being rich and well kept and green is the symbolic color of money and greed. She desires a man who has the power and money that has the funds to buy her cars, jewelry, and clothing. Nothing will stop her from getting in the way of obtaining a luxurious lifestyle even if that means hurting everyone around her. Green also symbolizes the jealousy in her heart when it comes to how Jon spends his money. She is jealous of the charities and organizations that receive Jon's donations and believes that that money should be spent on her.

Soft Lighting
Traci's character is cast under soft lighting to show her outer beauty that tempts the protagonist Jon into engaging in a relationship and later marriage. It makes her skin appear softer and more attractive and removes all imperfections from her face leaving pure sex. This softer lighting acts as a mask to hide her inner personality and schemes to become wealthy. Jon is a sucker for her beauty at first but as we progress in the story we begin to see her real intentions. It also gives the audience a softer feeling for the character before she shows her true colors.

Like the smooth curves of a violin, Traci's body curves tenderly making it hard for men to ignore. Her shapely body displays the true meaning of temptation to the watching eye making it hard for Jon to say know. It can be compared to a snakes body which is traditionally known from the Bible as being a tempter to men. She slithers her way into Jon's life, slowly constricting him and controlling his every decision. He has no room to breathe. In the end, her curvy hips and chest turns out to be nothing but a trap for Jon and he begins to lose sight of his responsibilities of power.

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